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About Catholic Dance Club

At Catholic Dancing, we believe that dancing is not merely an art form but a powerful means of creating and strengthening community. We embrace the beauty and diversity of dance styles, from Latin, Ballroom and Line Dancing. Our mission is to unite people regardless of culture, and abilities, using the universal language of dance to forge deep connections and foster a sense of belonging within the Catholic community.

Code of Conduct

By adhering to this code of conduct, students
contribute to an environment that is respectful, supportive,
and conducive to the growth of both their dance skills and their spiritual journey.

1. Respect

We ask that all students treat their fellow dancers, instructors, and staff members with respect at all times. This includes using kind and encouraging language, refraining from gossip or negative comments, and valuing each person's unique background and abilities.

2. Discipline

Students are expected to attend classes regularly and arrive on time, ready to engage in the learning process. It is important to demonstrate discipline in practicing dance techniques, following instructions, and being attentive during class.

3. Cooperation

We encourage students to work together as a team, supporting and uplifting one another. This involves showing cooperation and unity during partner and group exercises, assisting others who may need help, and fostering a positive and inclusive environment for all.

4. Modesty

As a Catholic organization, we ask students to dress modestly during dance classes and performances. Appropriate attire ensures that the focus remains on the art of dance rather than physical appearance. In addition, music with explicit or offensive lyrics is strictly prohibited.

5. Commitment to Excellence

We believe in striving for excellence in all aspects of dance and faith. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves, set goals, and work diligently to improve their skills. This includes practicing outside of class, participating in workshops and showcases, and embracing opportunities for growth.

6. Honesty and Integrity

We expect students to act with honesty and integrity, both on and off the dance floor. This includes being truthful, respecting personal boundaries, and understanding the importance of confidentiality.

7. Personal Accountability

Students are responsible for their own actions and behavior. It is essential to take ownership of mistakes, apologize when necessary, and learn from them. We encourage self-reflection and personal growth, understanding that we all have room for improvement.

8. Faith and Spirituality

As a missionary organization, we hope that students will embrace the spiritual elements of our programs. We encourage students to foster a personal relationship with God, to pray for one another, and to engage in reflections and discussions on matters of faith.

9. Safety

The safety and well-being of our students are of utmost importance. We ask students to follow all safety guidelines and instructions provided by the instructors. In the event of an injury or any other concern, students are expected to report it immediately to ensure appropriate support and assistance.

10. Positive Representation

Students are ambassadors of Catholic Dancing, representing our organization within the community. We ask that they conduct themselves in a manner that reflects our values and principles, both inside and outside dance-related activities.